Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Making and Strengthening Disciples of Jesus
Join us for Mass this weekend!
Sacred Heart Festival April 2-6
part of our flock
This Week at Sacred Heart
Sunday, March 23rd, 3rd Sunday of Lent: • Readings: Genesis 15:5-12, 17-18, Philippians 3:17— 4:1, Luke 9:28b-36• Exodus 90 Meeting, 10:30am,...
Lent at Sacred Heart
OUR LENTEN ALMSGIVING 2nd Week (March 15th - 16th) Catholic Ministry Appeal: Please bring in your envelopes with your offering for the Diocese of...
Holy Week
PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 13TH Normal weekend Mass schedule.At the Saturday 4pm and 6pm Masses: Procession with palms Sunday 9:30am Mass – children are...
Acts of Mercy Challenge
As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope, the Diocese of Saint Petersburg is spreading hope through corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We are...
Abundance Holy Hour
Join us in prayer for an abundance of vocations to the priesthood and consecrated life. The Holy Hour will take place March 26 , 6:30pm-7:30pm at...
Spring Festival
Save the Date for the Spring Festival, April 2nd - 6th! The festival times are: Wednesday and Thursday: 6pm to 10pm | Friday: 6:00pm to 11:00pm...
Here’s what you need to know to plan your first visit…
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
4661 82 Avenue North Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Mailing Address
7809 46th Way North, Pinellas Park, FL 33781
Our Schedule
Week Day Mass
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 8:00am; Wednesday 8:15am& 6pm
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil Masses: 4:00pm (English) and 6:00pm (Spanish)
Sunday: 8:00am, 9:30am (livestreamed). and 11:30am
Wednesday: 6:45-7:45pm (English)
Saturday: 2:45 -3:45pm (English); 5:30-5:55pm (Spanish)
Wednesdays: 6:30-7:45pm followed by Benediction
Chapel Hours
Monday through Friday, 8:30am-5pm
Office Hours
Monday through Thursday, 8:00am-noon
Mass Schedule and Location
Learn about our mass schedule and location.
Serve in a ministry of our Church
Through our ministries allow your life to be formed as Jesus’ disciple. Learn to serve.
Bulletin Archive
Missed a bulletin? Find it here. Stay up to date with what is happening at Sacred Heart Catholic Church Pinellas Park.
News & Events
Interested in serving? We have several volunteer opportunities available!