Sacred Heart’s annual First Communion Mass is Sunday, April 28th at the 11:30 Mass. Over 20 of our young disciples from Sacred Heart Catholic School and Sacred Heart Church’s Faith Formation program will receive Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the...
The Sacred Heart FORMED account is FREE for parishioners of Sacred Heart Catholic Church. To access FORMED: • Go to:• Type in: Sacred Heart Catholic Church• Enter your name and email to create an account. After signing up, you will be able to...
The next MAGNIFICAT MEAL is from 9:30 AM—12:15 PM, on Saturday, April 27, 2024, held in the Parish Center at the Cathedral of St. Jude the Apostle. Please also join us for St. Jude’s parish Mass held in the Cathedral at 8:15 AM. Our Holy-Spirit, joy-filled morning...
If you find it more convenient to give via your phone, please do! You can make a one-time gift or set up recurring donations at intervals you choose. Use the QR code to get started. May God bless your...