Year end is quickly approaching but there is still time to support your faith home this season and optimize your impact with a gift by December 31! All gifts postmarked, delivered to the office or made online by midnight on December 31 count on your tax filing.
Anytime you give to support the work of Christ here at Sacred Heart you are investing in our mission to Make and Strengthen Disciples of Christ. You can, of course, make a simple cash donation. For some, a little extra work will result in a greater impact for both them and the parish. Here are some options to consider:
• Give smart, give stock: donate appreciated stock, pay no capital gains and your charitable deduction is at the full, fair market value of the stock.
• Make a gift that pays you back: set up a charitable gift annuity or remainder trust and transfer assets to help lower estate taxes.
• Make a gift now that you can direct later: set up a Donor-Advised fund with the Catholic Foundation.
• If you are 70 and a half or older: make a gift directly from your IRA – it counts towards your required minimum distribution!
• Make your mark on the future: leave a gift in your will or trust, give life insurance you no longer need or donate real estate.
Contact the Parish Office to learn more about these options.
With a heart full of gratitude, we wish you a Merry Christmas and blessed holiday season!