2016 October Equinox Cruise

October 2nd – 15th, 2016 Aboard Celebrity Equinox

Paul’s 4th Missionary Journey

2016 Cruise Guest Speaker Father Ronald Rohlheiser
Please Join Monsignor Austin Mullen & John & Marie Bobak

Our Journey will follow the footsteps of Paul’s 4th journey. We will travel to Spain, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Malta, and back to Spain. (Pre and post tours of Barcelona available).

This includes round-trip airfare, all religious excursions, and most meals. See everything without having to unpack (the beauty of the cruise) Guest Speaker Fr. Ronald Rolheiser, a member of the Oblates of Mary Immaculate, is the president of the Oblate School of theology in San Antonio Texas. He is a community builder, lecturer and writer. His books are popular throughout the English speaking world and his weekly column is carried by more than sixty newspapers worldwide.

For information please phone Marie or John Bobak
(813) 265-1698, (813) 494-1891, (813) 728-3242

Contact Us For More Information

2016 October Equinox Cruise was last modified: October 2nd, 2016 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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