As part of the Jubilee Year of Hope, the Diocese of Saint Petersburg is spreading hope through corporal and spiritual works of mercy. We are challenging our community to together complete 1,000,000 acts of mercy. Anyone can participate – as individuals, families, teams – no work of mercy is too small!
Just fill out the form at to make it count towards the challenge. We want to highlight all the good works you are already doing by bringing a focus to it and invite others to join in spreading hope!
The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy:
• Feed the hungry
• Give drink to the thirsty
• Shelter the homeless
• Visit the sick
• Visit prisoners
• Bury the dead
• Give alms to the poor The
7 Spiritual Works of Mercy:
• Counseling the doubtful
• Instructing the ignorant
• Admonishing the sinner
• Comforting the sorrowful
• Forgiving injuries
• Bearing wrongs patiently
• Praying for the living and the dead