
Sacred Heart Spring Festival 2021

Would you like to know about upcoming funerals that will be celebrated here at Sacred Heart?

You can sign up in your Flocknote account for the “Funeral Notification” group. Or email the parish office and let us know you want to be included. We will send you an email or text when funeral arrangements are finalized.

Do you know a parishioner who does not have internet access and is not able to attend Mass?

Please take a moment to call or email the office ( We want to stay connected to all our parishioners and will add them to a special mailing list so they can receive parish information.

Want to stay in touch with the Parish?

Make sure you are signed up with Flocknote! We use this system to connect with the many ministries and groups in our parish. Each week, we send a weekly “Top Three” – a short email or text with 3 important parish items. If you are not signed up, you can send an email to Fr. Kevin ( or go to and do it yourself.

Communications was last modified: October 10th, 2021 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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