The National Eucharistic Revival: Inspiration from a Parishioner

The National Eucharistic Revival is a 3-year effort to increase understanding and devotion to our Lord’s presence in the Eucharist. While the parish-level phase will begin next year, each of us can begin this journey of discernment and encounter through personal reflection. Allow us to share this witness from one of our parishioners:

A Moment When the Fullness of the Eucharist Became Real to Me

I come from a background of no faith life and lots of false promises that did not deliver as expected. Around third grade, I had a babysitter that gave me a notebook that said, “God Loves You” on the front. What did this mean? I felt unlovable. There are lots of people. How can God love all of us? Was every path the same? Do I just need to be a good person? Why am I here? What is the point?

After I became pregnant, I was filled with a deep desire to know if religion was fact or fiction. I researched Catholicism via reading the church fathers and the catechism in secret and honestly prayed about it in complete vulnerability. I knew no Mass going Catholics, so I watched EWTN. I had done all the things in life that insured success and fulfillment and yet I found that the Catholic church had the only answers to my questions. It can’t be coincidence that all my longings have a spiritual answer. I needed to know that God was out there and that my life had a purpose. I couldn’t drink, party, or buy away the disquiet in my soul.

After spending time in adoration and around a tabernacle containing Our Lord, I felt deep inside me that My Lord and My God was there. This happened the first time I walked up to a Catholic Church. I believe a great grace. I wish everyone felt this way. God has been with me always. He put these longings in me. He made me the way that I am and there is nothing wrong with me. Every day I grow in a deeper desire of learning what He has in store for me. There is nothing else that brings me greater joy, or the answers to every problem that I have. This created a deep connection to scripture. I feel the words that I hear deeply every day at daily Mass.

Are people sinful and do I sometimes fall short? Yes and yes. BUT He loves me more that any person can, and I belong to Him. Nothing else matters. I have a love of the Mass and that is where I usually feel God speaking to me and how I know that I am loved and belong in a community of believers.

Every ministry that I have every participated in shows me another multi-level facet of God’s love for me and how I am a part of his plan for EVERYONE.

The National Eucharistic Revival: Inspiration from a Parishioner was last modified: October 30th, 2022 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church

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