The Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation and will be celebrated on Monday December 9th.
The schedule is:
8:15am Mass
12:15pm Mass
6pm Penance Service e (see details below)
Advent Penance Service
As we approach the celebration of our Lord’s Nativity, we hope you will want to take advantage of the Sacrament of Reconciliation. In addition to our usual weekly times of confession (Wed. 6:30-8pm and Sat. 2:45-3:45pm) we will be offering an evening penance service on Monday, December 9th at 6pm. We will begin with a time of community prayer which will include a short meditation and an examination of conscience. You can choose from several priests who will gladly hear your confession.
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception was last modified: November 21st, 2024 by