Friday: Sacred Heart to receive Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon

Our Knights of Columbus Council have arranged for Sacred Heart to host a Marian icon – Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians – this Friday. As part of our usual First Friday observance, the Knights will lead us in a prayer service to honor the martyrs over the centuries, calling particular attention to the suffering of today’s Christians in the Middle East.

Friday’s schedule will be:

  • 8am Mass followed by adoration until 10am
  • 6pm, adoration begins
  • 7pm Marian Icon Prayer Service
  • 9pm Mass followed by all night adoration
  • 8am Sat. Mass followed by adoration until 10am
Friday: Sacred Heart to receive Our Lady Help of Persecuted Christians Icon was last modified: November 6th, 2020 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church