Outreach Ministries

“Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me” (Mt. 25:40)
Sacred Heart strives to live out Jesus’ command to serve others in many ways.
His Heart Society is Sacred Heart’s primary ministry to the needy in our community. Open on Tuesday and Thursday mornings, we provide food, clothing, and some monetary assistance. The ministry works out of the small red buildings located on the west side of the main parking lot. Food assistance is available Tuesday and Thursday mornings, 9-11am. Limited financial help with rent and utility bills is available by calling 727-544-5445. Special food baskets are provided for Thanksgiving and Christmas.
Ministers to the Sick & Homebound bring the healing and comforting power of Jesus in the Eucharist each week to Catholics who are homebound, in hospitals, nursing homes, and assisted living facilities. Diocesan Safe Environment Training, Eucharistic Minister training, and screening are all required of all who service in this ministry.
The Consolation Ministry comforts those who are mourning through prayer and hospitality. The group gathers prior to funerals celebrate at Sacred Heart to pray a rosary for the deceased then joins with the family and friends at the Mass – often providing much needed direction and support. When requested, this group hosts small receptions following the liturgy. Follow up prayer and support are also offered.
The Legion of Mary is an international organization. The members of the Legion here at Sacred Heart meet weekly on Monday mornings to share prayer, devotion to our Blessed Mother, and encourage each other in their personal ministries. New members are welcome.
Prison Ministry This group, working with the diocese visits a local prison sharing God’s love and care.
Members of the Knights of Columbus strengthen our parish and community, grow in their faith and gain exclusive access to a portfolio of top-quality insurance products. Membership is open to practicing Catholic men 18 years or older. Applications are available from any member who will submit the application to the Council for consideration. Once approved, the applicant becomes a member following their first-degree ceremony which may take place at any of several area parishes.
For more information please contact Stephen Douglas at stephenpdouglas@gmail.com.
The Columbiettes is the equivalent women’s organization to the Knights of Columbus. Like the Knights, they work to strengthen our parish and community and grow in their faith. Our chapter formed this past fall and is already an active part of the parish. Membership is open to practicing Catholic women 18 years or older.
For more information, please contact Anita Carlisle at nitasnowman@gmail.com