Service to the Parish

Life Ministries A Life Ministry works to advance the Church’s teachings in all areas related to human life. Care of the elderly and handicapped, human trafficking, euthanasia, cloning, capital punishment, abortion and abortion healing are among the concerns, as well as advocating to those in position to write laws and develop policies. Participants in the ministry will first learn about these complex issues and then seek ways to promote a culture of life in our parish and the wider society.
Youth Witnesses (Mentors) A Youth Witness is an adult who is willing to spend time, share their faith, and serve in the role of mentor with our middle and senior high youth. Witnesses attend the weekly youth meetings and chaperone special events. Training is offered and highly encouraged. Diocesan background screening and Safe Environment training are required.
Garden / Nursery A 400 square feet raised bed vegetable garden and plant nursery is located between the rectory and Retreat House. The produce is used here at Sacred Heart or given to His Heart to distribute to those less fortunate. Plants from the nursery are used for decorations in our church and at parish events. Families are welcome to volunteer and work together to help us tend to the plants.
Environmental Stewardship Responding to Pope Francis’ Laudato si’ (On the Care of our Common Home) this group is exploring ways Sacred Heart can be better stewards of our environment. The group would both learn of the need for stewardship and identify projects that could be implemented at parish events and in our facilities.
Vocation Awareness Team Our Vocation Awareness Team provides two important functions. First, it offers support to the seminarians of our diocese through prayer, communication, and small gifts. Second, it promotes vocations in the parish providing encouragement for those who sense a call to religious life.
God’s Housekeepers: Church cleaning This wonderful group meets on the first Thursday afternoon of each month to care for our church through light “housework.” This much needed group welcomes others to assist in this work.
Fall & Spring Festivals These two major fundraisers of the parish require a large number of volunteers doing a wide variety of jobs. This is an excellent service opportunity for those unable to make the regular commitment required of many ministries.
The Bingo Volunteer Team provides a welcoming atmosphere for those in our community to play Bingo and socialize. Each Wednesday our volunteers strive to provide excellent service and show the love of God to our players. Parishioners are needed to maintain our reputation for hospitality and assist with this community event.