This weekend, Sacred Heart will host an event known as the Stewardship Fair. In the past, the parish has had something similar to this called the Ministry Fair. Given our emphasis on practicing stewardship of time, talent, and treasure here, the name was changed to reflect that approach. Many of the ministries and groups in the parish will have tables displaying what they do to build up the Kingdom of God here at Sacred Heart, whether that’s serving at a Sunday Mass, serving the less fortunate, or fostering fellowship and faith sharing in the community. At each table, there will be at least one representative to disseminate information, answer questions, and help you to discern whether the group/ministry would be a good fit for you.
On Saturday, the Parish Center will be open from 5-6pm with the Columbiettes hosting a light reception with refreshments, including cheese and wine. On Sunday, the Parish Center will be open in between Masses from 9am-1pm. The Knights of Columbus will offer a free pancake breakfast to those in attendance.
As we prepare for the holy season of Lent, please come and consider what you can do to be more involved in your parish community. Stewardship is everyone’s responsibility!