Pope St. John XXIII National Seminary has launched a new podcast to help men discerning the call to priesthood and for those supporting a discerner’s journey. Pope Saint John XXIII Seminary is the national seminary that specializes in preparing men ages 30-60 to enter the priesthood. On this podcast, titled Never Too Late at Pope St. John XXIII Seminary, faculty member Msgr. William Fay will explore questions that men may encounter when considering a call to serve God as a priest. Themes will include discernment, family life, admission to the Seminary, seminary life, personal struggles, getting back to studies and financial concerns, to name a few.
It’s never too late to respond to a call from God, and Never Too Late at Pope St. John XXIII Seminary is written for men considering a vocation to the priesthood, as well as those who support their journey of discernment.
Please find us wherever you get your podcasts or the Grexly podcast website: https://www.grexly.com/nevertoolate. Then, spread the word and help make it known that it is never too late!