Lent at Sacred Heart


2nd Week (March 15th – 16th) Catholic Ministry Appeal: Please bring in your envelopes with your offering for the Diocese of St. Petersburg’s 2025 Catholic Ministry Appeal on behalf of Sacred Heart Catholic Church.

3rd Week (March 22nd – 23rd) Kind Mouse Project: Items needed: Snack size individual servings a 1st grader can open on their own such as juice boxes, apple sauce cups, peanut butter crackers, individual peanut butter cups, ravioli, SpaghettiOs, and hospitality-sized boxes of cereal.

4th Week (March 29th – 30th) Catholic Charities Easter Basket of pLENTy Drive: This drive creates Easter Baskets for the children of low-income families. Items needed: coloring books, crayons, chalk, bubbles, frisbee, doll, baby snacks, hair accessories, and candy such as fruit snacks, skittles, etc. NO CHOCOLATE PLEASE.

5th Week (April 5th – 6th ) Migrant Shirts: Items needed: Men’s long sleeve sun blocking shirts in medium, large and x-large sizes.

6th Week (April 12th – 13th) His Heart Ministry: Items needed: cleansing wipes, disposable razors and travel size deodorants for men and women.


Every Friday at 8:30am and 6pm in English and 7pm in Spanish. *We will be praying the Stations in the Church this year.


Every Friday (except Good Friday) INCLUDING during the festival! 5pm – 7:00pm in the Parish Center. Cost: $12 adults, $6 children


The Parish Bible Study meets on Tuesday mornings in the Marian room from 9 to 10:15am. For Lent, we will read, “Made for Heaven” by Father Augustino Torres, CFR. This study includes a short video shown during class, reading with reflection for each day of the week, plus discussion questions.


Join our Parish Lenten Mission from Monday, March 10 -Wednesday, March 12. The theme will be prayer and the presider will be Fr. Brad Reed. We will begin at 6pm each night. After the final session on Wednesday, March 12, we will close with a Mass at 7pm. Note: The Mass time change. There will be no adoration or confessions this night.


The Legion of Mary invites all active and auxiliary members to the Acies Ceremony, our annual Mass of consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary. The ceremony will be held Saturday, March 22 at 10am in the church. Please join us for this most important event of our Legion Year.


Save the Date for the Spring Festival, April 2nd – 6th! The festival times are: Wednesday and Thursday: 6pm to 10pm | Friday: 6:00pm to 11:00pm Saturday: Noon to 11:00pm | Sunday – Noon to 8:00pm

Modifications to the liturgy schedule during the week of Festival:

Wed, April 4th NO 6:15pm Mass, adoration or confessions.
Sat, April 5th First Saturday: 8am Mass
Adoration & Confessions 8:30 to 9:30am
NO 2:45pm Confessions
4pm Mass, NO 6pm Mass
Sunday, April 6th: 8:00am Mass, 9:30am Mass and 11:30am Mass will be bi-lingual, NO Knights of Columbus Breakfast


Our Parish Penance Service will be held Monday April 7th at 6pm. Penance Service to be followed by individual confessions.



Lent at Sacred Heart was last modified: March 6th, 2025 by Sacred Heart Catholic Church